Special Events
All of the socials are held at the YMCA, 7340 Shallowford Rd, Chattanooga, TN in the Memorial Community Room from 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm. There is no admission charge, however, we do request that you please bring a covered dish or dessert.
We are also looking for any member that would like to share their photography in a slide show at one of these events. If you are interested contact Jackie Wolfe via email at wisewolf@comcast.net
September Picnic:
Harrison Bay State Park provides a nice facility and a relaxed setting for the September picnic (see the PSC Calendar, for the exact dates since it varies). There’s always great food whether it’s a catered meal or the pot-luck style. Everyone enjoys gathering and sharing the dinner together.
The rest of the evening is filled with the following activities:
- The slate of candidates for the PSC Executive Board for the new year is introduced and a vote is taken for their election.
- A digital slide show of the submissions for the Quarterly Contest is shown and awards are presented.
Thank You for the greatly appreciated help from everyone for the set-up and the needed clean-up, the evening ends with everyone feeling being well-fed, better acquainted, and inspired to continue their photographic journey.
Open House:
Every October, the club invites potential members, members, family, and friends to an Open House event for its annual membership push. The evening consists of yummy snacks provided by the members, a photo exhibit of the members’ favorite photos, a special speaker to present a short program, and door prizes. All are welcome and it’s a great time to meet and socialize with fellow photographers.
Christmas Banquet & Annual Photo Contest and Awards:
The Annual Photo Contest exhibit of images is a true showcase of the members’ excellent works. Entries consist of three levels of expertise (Beginner, Amateur, or Advanced) and three categories (Prints, Digital Open, and Digital Themed). The judges award 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places as well as Honorable Mention(s) in each category. The evening concludes with the tallying of votes for the People’s Choice Award.
It’s an event that slows one down from the busy Holiday Season to enjoy a few hours of great food, friendship, and the common favorite subject of photography.