You see a lot of photographs these days that have been enhance by adding textures to the image. Here’s a quick tutorial from Aaron Nace of Phlearn titled “How to Ad Textures & Overlays to a Photo in Photoshop”.
One of the “things” in photography that’s been around for lots of years is HDR. People love it or hate it and you can find loads of articles and posts that argue both sides. Cameras have been evolving so you can actually take
HDR images in camera. Some do a great job like the Canon 5D Mk IV and some like my Olympus OMD M1 Mk II do a poor job. But what most of the newer cameras do well is let you automate the process of taking the brackets required for an HDR shot. Some will take 3 while the new Sony will actually take up to 9. The question becomes, how many exposures are really required. Arron Nace addresses this question in this tutorial titled “How Many Exposures Do You Really Need for an HDR”.
Here’s a quick one from Jesus Ramirez from the Photoshop Training Channel on how to straighten buildings and objects in photoshop using the newly enhanced Camera Raw filter in Photoshop.
Every week, Colin Smith from Photoshop Café, does a live video on YouTube for about 1 hour. Last week he did this one on “Painting with Color and Light in Photoshop”. This one is well worth your time.
This one only applies to Photoshop users, but I thought it was such a great idea I had to include it this month. Sorry all you non Photoshop users. As your probably well aware, Photoshop keeps growing. The program gets bigger and more powerful every year. One thing photoshop doesn’t seem to do is when they come up with a better way to do something, they still keep the old way. Just look at your tool bar. I’ll bet that like me, most of you don’t use 40% of the tools in the tool bar yet we have to fight our way through the crowd to find what you want. In this tutorial from Unmesh at PIXimperfect, he teaches us how to get rid of the tools we don’t need and arrange the tools we do need in a manner that fits our personal workflow.