This has been a rather slow month in new photoshop tutorials or at least in interesting ones. Some of my go to Pros have just been boring. I have managed to find a few interesting things though.
One interesting problem that pops up occasionally is when your images have a color cast. Jesus Ramirez from the Photoshop training channel goes through several
methods from easy to somewhat more complicated depending on your image.
(278) Hidden Algorithms for Easy Color Correction in Photoshop – YouTube
One of the most powerful tools in Photoshop is Curves. I’ve featured some tutorials on this in the past, but you can never get too good at using it. Here’s a new tutorial posted by Jesus Ramirez a couple of weeks ago.
(278) Master Curves in Photoshop! A Beginners Guide | PTH #9 – YouTube
I’m sure you’ve heard that saying “Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should”. This might just be a great example of that. I’ll let you decide for yourself.
Remember is started out by saying it was a slow month.
(278) Epic Photoshop Perspective-Bending Effect in Just 5 Steps! – YouTube
In this next tutorial, Colon Smith from Photoshop Café spends about an hour showing us how to finish off an image using techniques like dodging and burning, sharpening and color grading. Colin is a Photoshop master and I always learn something from his sessions.
(278) LFL #75 | Photoshop for Photographers, finishing techniques – YouTube
Our Friend, Unmesh Dinda from Piximperfect always comes up with something unique. This tutorial sounds counterintuitive, but I was startled by how good this worked. Give it a try on your own work.
It’s called “Increase Blur to Sharpen Better”.
(278) Increase Blur to Sharpen Better? – Photoshop Trick – YouTube
I haven’t posted anything from our French friend, Serge Ramelli in a while but he published a few interesting things this month. The first one I liked was “5 tips you must know when using the Gradient Filter in Lightroom.
(278) 5 tips you must KNOW when using the GRADIENT FITER in Lightroom – YouTube
Here Serge goes through editing one of his images from the raw image to gallery ready in Lightroom
(278) LIGHTROOM Classic PRO editing from shooting raw to Prepare for galleries – YouTube